I've noticed several times that I cannot see comments made by a particular user. On my own posts, or on posts made by others. The only reason I know those comments exist are because I see others @-ing them.
The name of the user in question is DilipSarwate. I haven't (knowingly / intentionally) done anything to block them.
As an example, on this post I can see they have asked a question in the comments, but as you can see from the screenshot I can't see the comment: Selling house via estate agent vs selling property to developer, UK. Why price difference?
If I search for the user under https://money.stackexchange.com/search?tab=newest&q=user%3aDilipSarwate I get a list of posts, none of which I can see the comments on although again I can see other people responding to the comments. (OK, I admit I didn't check every single one, but I picked a random selection and could not see any of them).
What is stopping me seeing the comments (and posts?) by this user? Can I reverse it?