Personal Finance and Money is doing pretty good, by the numbers.
But the primary hesitation comes from the lack of growth the site is seeing:
It's not unusual for sites to start out with this steady traffic going kind of horizontally for a while. Then, at some unpredictable point, POW the site hits a critical mass — it's a "tipping point" where the traffic starts climbing inexorably. That's where the success of the site is all but guaranteed… and that's what prompts graduation from beta.
But we haven't seen that point with Finance, yet.
Your traffic trends show hints some early hints that there might be a tipping point at hand. It's too early to say. There have been some promising signs of upward growth. 80% of this site's traffic is coming from search engines, so people are finding this site. That is very promising.
Unfortunately, new users with flat traffic means that you are hemorrhaging users through attrition. Users are finding the site, but they're not sticking around as regular, contributing users.
There is a steady, but uncomfortably small group of users providing the majority of quality content on this site. You have to attract and keep new, high-quality users here by providing the highest possible quality content. That means rigorous community self-moderation and promoting your best, most intriguing questions.
We have found that, by far, the most effective way to bring new users into a site is to link to your most intriguing questions. Most of the SE Network's largest spikes in traffic were due to linking and passing on interesting questions! Use those social bookmarking tools!
If you can maintain a trend of that kind of unstoppable growth we see in other SE sites, we'll be able to graduate. Keep up the hard work and keep that quality high. It looks like you are almost there. All we need is that last push!