With the deepest respect to all of the community, all of whom teach me a great deal.
The correct answer is to flag it and move on. There literally is no harm to be done, because it is just the Internet. We like you all, but you can log off and go for a walk or hit up reddit any time. (And then come back and drop some more knowledge.)
We can remove any unnecessary comments. If the questions and answers are being edited in a destructive way, flag it and the mods have tools to prevent vandalism. I haven't seen a problem with edits getting out of hand. If an answer is wrong, it buried quickly enough.
I respectfully offer that a better question with regards to the community is:
How aggressive does the community want the mods to be removing negativity in the comments?
I think we are fairly aggressive, but I know I can certainly be much more aggressive when it comes to removing comments that I know are going to make somebody mad. I would be more than happy to take a strict policy on comments that are not 100% in relation to clarifying or expanding the answer. (I don't see a need for comments offering dispute as another answer can be posted.)
There is room in personal finance for different opinions. There is not room for personal attacks.