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2 answers

What's the consensus on the ledger-cli questions?

My take is that they are no more off topic than questions about Quicken... But also no more on topic than questions about Quicken. Most such questions should be directed to the teams or communities ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 51.4k
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Just for reference: open-ended but answerable question?

Just wondering since while we already have this information it's somewhat scattered among near-duplicates: If someone asked "What are good ways to recognize that someone is trying to scam me"...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 51.4k
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Are questions about stock markets from a personal finance (as opposed to professional trading) on-topic?

I have recently joined a trading platform and noticed that they had gained popularity after COVID-19 kicked in. Also, many of my work colleagues became interested in investing. So I assume there is a ...
Alexei's user avatar
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What is our stance on questions aiming at finding official documents about companies (assume the question isn't specific to just one company)?

What is our stance on questions aiming at finding official documents about companies/stocks (assume the question isn't specific to just one company)? Are they on-topic or off-topic? I see that ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Why is the question about 'Value of time' not closed?

The question how do you value what your leisure time is worth? is IMO begging for opinions. People may find it interesting (which might explain the high number ...
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