This question about saving money on electricity was closed by the community.
I re-opened it because cost-cutting is a valid topic for the site.
In fact, one of the sample charter on-topic questions in money's Area 51 charter is: "I'm way over budget on my grocery bills. What are some ways for me to cut costs?" (22 on-topic votes, vs. 3 off-topic)
I see the question under discussion as such a a household cost-cutting question. Electricity is a fundamental expense item in most households, and refrigeration is a major consumer of electricity in a household.
Where do we draw the line for household cost-cutting questions, if any?
Or, was this question closed for reasons other than being off-topic? For one, the title could be better, mentioning refrigerators specifically. It might also be a rather silly question for those who already understand refrigeration? Or, perhaps it is attempting a micro-optimization of energy costs that really isn't practical and people consider silly?
Discuss. :-)